Where better to begin the search for longevity than one of the oldest civilizations on Earth? Experience the food, spices, music, dance and wisdom of India as we talk with premier doctors, an award winning chef and a man who survived a deadly disease and now cares for children in need.

Visit the heart of another ancient civilization and stand at the base of one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, the pyramids of Chichen Itza. Learn from modern day healers who carry on the traditions of the great Mayans, like the nutritionist preparing a meal, sourced at an organic farm, that celebrates the divine flavor of Mexico.

Meet two Sardinian brothers thriving in their 90s, who still work at the family café and grow their own food in the “Blue Zone” centenarian capital of the world. Venture inside the homes of everyday Sardinians to see how traditional pastas, soups and breads are made.

Deep inside the fertile crescent of Israel, which still stands as the crossroads of Africa, Asia and Europe, is an abundance of culinary and healing tradition, some of which dates back to the Dead Sea Scrolls. One healer shares the power of ancient natural remedies, including laughter.

In a country of 1.4 billion, the largest population in the world, watch one of China’s Olympic team physicians use a number of treatments that draw from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Learn how a plant-based diet can increase longevity from T. Colin Campbell, PhD, the research director of The China Study.

European experts at the World Health Organization, Max Planck Institute and Cancer Research UK share which lifestyle choices increase healthy longevity. Enjoy the cooking from two Michelin Stars Chef, Éric Briffard, at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. Then, walk on the wild side with punk rock vegan Chef Paolo Petralia in Rome.

The Japanese have an expression, “Wake from death and return to life.” Witness how an atomic bomb survivor’s testimony and the art of “Kintsugi” demonstrate the power of resilience, healing and restoration. A temple priest in Kyoto, and celebrity chef Candice Kumai, share how to nurture a mentality that promotes health in the body, mind and spirit.

Filmed while sheltering in place, the director of the Healthy Long Life series shares keys to help everyone rise up stronger from the coronavirus pandemic, cancer and heart disease.